Dignity Drives
Freedom of choice requires a variety to choose from.
Used clothing is fine but used deodorant is not.
Food drives for food pantries are usually a community service project. Dignity Drives are the slightly modified non-food pantry version of those:
* There are 8 product categories with 4 products each
* The organizer only has 4 products to ask potential donors to collect
* Donors only have to look for 1 to 4 products, in their choice of brand, size, form, etc.
* Clients use points to purchase products in their choice of brand, size, form, etc.
Category Name Items
A: Dental Hygiene When I See You Smile Toothpaste...Toothbrush…Mouthwash…Dental Floss
B. Body Hygiene I Fresh Like A Daisy Deodorant/Anti-Perspirant...Body Wipes...Body Wash/Soap...Body Lotion
C. Body Hygiene II The Powder Room Toilet Paper...Flushable Wipes...Tissues...Hand Soap: Liquid, Bar
D. Body Hygiene III Shower Time Shampoo...Conditioner...Shower Caps...Flip Flops
E. Facial Care Put on a Happy Face Facial Cleanser...Shaving Cream...Disposable Razors...Moisturizer
F. Cleaning Supplies I No Germs Here Laundry Detergent...Bleach...Stain Remover...Fabric Softener: Liquid, Sheets
G. Cleaning Supplies II No Germs There Anti-Bacterial Cleanser...Paper Towels...Brushes/Sponges...Liquid Dish Soap
H. Safety & First Aid Sun, Bugs, & Boo Boos Sunscreen….Bug Spray….Band-Aids….Alcohol Pads