Process inventory donations: record donor, item code, & points value
Data entry: digitize client & donor records
"Merchandise" inventory: clothing on racks, products on shelves
Assist clients find sizes, calculate points, checkout
Answer phone, record and respond to voicemail messages
From Anywhere
Grant Writer(s)
1. Find grants we technically qualify for and have a realistic chance of getting
2. Provide advice - what to
focus on, what not to, etc.
Client Finders
1. Contact township trustees
2. Contact city, county, state, and federal agencies
3. Distribute flyers/ brochures to shelters, food pantries, etc.
Inventory Getters
1. Organize a neighborhood Dignity Drive.
2. Declutter and donate - if you're not wearing it let us
give it to someone who will
Fund Raisers
1. Set up a sidewalk toll "booth" that accepts new hygiene/cleaning products.
2. Educate local businesses about MPNFP and why helping us benefits them.
It’s good for your soul. Making time to lend a hand to others in your
community strengthens character, teaches humility, and nurtures the spirit.
It’s good for your mental and emotional health. Helping other people
stimulates increased production of the 4 hormones responsible for boosting moods - dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins.
It’s good for your physical health. Decreases stress + increases activity
lower blood pressure = decreased risk of stroke, heart attack, etc.
It’s good for employers. Encouraging employees to get involved in helping better their community fosters loyal customers and a happier workforce.
It’s good for students. Develops civic and social responsibility skills.